Our thoughts are deep in the heart of Texas and surrounding areas. Born and raised in Austin, Texas, Justin and I hold a special place in our hearts for The Lone Star State. We are heartbroken that our family, friends, Pilates community, and their loved ones have been hit by such devastating winter weather. We are lucky that our families and friends have not had any major tragedies, and we are wishing we could be there to warm them with big hugs. To our entire Good Citizen family and their loved ones in these affected areas, we are sending love and light your way during this difficult time. We hope each and everyone of you is safe and warm. Please join us as we do what we can from California to help our fellow Texans and those in surrounding states. Below you will find resources on ways you can help donate. Reach out to anyone you might know in Texas and surrounding areas and make sure they are okay. Please share these resources so we can be there for each other and please reach out if you need help.
The Salvation Army provides shelter, food, and other necessary items to those in need throughout Texas.
The American Red Cross is supporting at least 35 warming centers with cots and blankets across the state.
In Austin, the area Urban League has started the #LoveThyNeighborTXcampaign to raise money for hotel rooms, food, water, clothing, and other basic needs of the housing insecure communities.
Mercy Chefs is providing hot meals, clean drinking water, and USDA Farmers to Families grocery boxes in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.
The Houston Food Bank is also distributing food to those in need.
Austin small business Free Lunch is making deliveries of home-cooked meals, blankets, hand warmers and hygiene kits to the Esperanza Community residents, a state-sanctioned shelter/campsite in the city.
The Other Ones Foundation is also providing resiliency kits for residents of the campsite. The kits include basic needs for those experiencing homelessness.
Dallas-area organizations Austin Street Center, OurCalling, The Stewpot, Union Gospel Mission, and Oak Lawn United Methodist Church are pooling funds to help pay for temporary shelter, as well as Covid-19 rapid tests for those in need.
Lucille's 1913 Community Kitchen is preparing and distributing meals in the Houston area.
Caritas of Austin also helps those experiencing housing insecurity in the Austin area. You can support their work by making a monetary donation or ordering items from their Amazon wish list to be shipped directly to the center.
The Coalition for the Homeless of Houston/Harris County is supporting warming centers throughout Houston and Harris County.
Powered By The People is contributing 100% of contributions to connecting Texans with water, food, shelter and transportation.
Austin Pets Alive! is working to keep pets across Texas warm and safe during the freezing conditions. The group needs heating pads, Styrofoam coolers, dog beds, heat lamps, and monetary donations.
Jackie & Justin